SwissCoffeeHeroes by 47Coffee
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MAKE YOUR COFFEE ICONIC Icon is a reliable espresso machine that can make an excellent and consistent espresso over time, the answer to what businesses need during their busiest hours to provide impeccable results with minimum effort.
RELY ON THE DC SYSTEM The technologies of the DC system GCS, MCS and OCS, make Icon an ideal candidate for the Horeca market, where high turnover rates and frequent peak times during the day can really put quality to the test.
YOUR BRAND, YOUR ICON Light lines and geometric cuts for the side panels formed by a single stainless-steel shell. On the back panel there’s plenty of room for custom projects, thanks to a wide range of RAL colorations and special custom materials.
MAKE YOUR COFFEE ICONIC Icon is a reliable espresso machine that can make an excellent and consistent espresso over time, the answer to what businesses need during their busiest hours to provide impeccable results with minimum effort.
RELY ON THE DC SYSTEM The technologies of the DC system GCS, MCS and OCS, make Icon an ideal candidate for the Horeca market, where high turnover rates and frequent peak times during the day can really put quality to the test.
YOUR BRAND, YOUR ICON Light lines and geometric cuts for the side panels formed by a single stainless-steel shell. On the back panel there’s plenty of room for custom projects, thanks to a wide range of RAL colorations and special custom materials.


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Extraktion – Espresso

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Sarah S.
Emma R.
Lillie M.